Ângelo Ocanã

Web Apps Development and Training

10 tips to Start using Github and Command line

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Do NOT lose your files anymore! Keep track of the history change, save to the cloud and be safe. Here you are going to learn simple tips to become a NINJA using Github and the command line.

1. Go to github.com.

Sign In or Sign Up.

2. Click the button Start a project in the home page.

  • Choose a Repository Name, the URL for your project will be github.com/USER-NAME/REPOSITORY-NAME
  • Click the button Create repository

Congratulations! Your repository is ready to receive the files that you will never lose anymore.

3. Install Git (If you don’t have it).

4. Go to your folder and add files

Open the terminal or command line tool available on your system.

Type the commands bellow to go to the folder where you want your files to live in:

  • ls or dir list the files and directories.
  • cd FOLDER_NAME open the folder.
  • cd .. go up 1 folder level.

Clone the repository to your PC:

    git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USER_NAME/REPOSITORY_NAME

uhuhuh Now Save or Add any file you want to the folder.

5. See the changes:

    git status

6. Add the changes to commit:

    git add .

Don’t forget the dot .

7. Create the commit

    git commit -m 'What did I... '

Write a short message saying what you have changed, Try to keep a good history log.

8. Publish! Save your files and changes to the cloud.

    git push

9. Keep your local version update:

    git pull

10. Go sleep better knowing that your files are safe.

Want to learn more advanced stuff? Click here to become a NINJA.

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