Ângelo Ocanã

Web Apps Development and Training

How to setup ssl https:// for your site

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How to setup https / ssl for surge.sh and ssl.com, It was hard to grab all the pieces, So I hope I can help who is in trouble.

You can follow the oficial tutorial at https://surge.sh/help/securing-your-custom-domain-with-ssl But keep checking here, I did somethings different and it is focused to ssl.com

Generate .pem file

    cat angeloocana_com.key angeloocana_com.crt 'SSL.com DV CA.crt' > surge3.pem

I had problems with the chain, my https was working in chrome but not in firefox. When I tested on sslshopper.com I get this error:

The certificate is not trusted in all web browsers. You may need to install an Intermediate/chain certificate to link it to a trusted root certificate. Learn more about this error. The fastest way to fix this problem is to contact your SSL provider. sslshopper

I solved it by adding ‘SSL.com DV CA.crt’ as the third file when generating the .pem file.

Upload .pem to surge.sh

    surge ssl

Test your confs

ssl tools is a great way to test your ssl configuration and download missing files: http://www.ssltools.com/

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