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Commandes d'aide Vim


Vim est un ancien éditeur de texte d’école, il fonctionne dans la console, c’est plus rapide de tous. C’est la meilleure option pour accéder aux serveurs via la commande de ligne.

Basic commands

Y Copy line.

v Select lines pressing arrows.

y Copy lines.

d Cut lines.

P Paste before current line.

p Paste.

/<span>textToSearch</span> Search.

n Go to the next match.

N Go to previous match.

r<span>L</span> Replace next character with ‘L’.

:%s/<span>search</span>/<span>replace</span>/gc Search and Replace.

:w Write changes (Save).

:q Quit.

i insert text mode.

o create a new line and enable insert text mode.

:set hlsearch high light text search.

:set incsearch It enables searching while typing.

<span>12</span>G Go to line 12.

gg Go to the top of the file.

G Go to the end of the file.

:cd <span>path</span> Change the working directory. Files can now be opened with relative paths. Use TAB and arrows to autocomplete directory names.

:pwd Shows the working directory.

:e . List working directory files and folders.

:e <span>file-name Opens the file.

dd Delete line.

u Revert changes.

v Select text.

V Select Lines.

d Delete selected text.

c Delete selected text and go into Insert mode.

:b <span>file-name</span> Switch to buffer (try TAB and arrows as well).

:bp Previous buffer.

h Move one character to the left.

l Move one character to the right.

j Move one line upward.

k Move one line down.


ctrl-w s Split window horizontally.

ctrl-w v Split vertically.

ctrl-w j Move focus down.

ctrl-w k Move focus up.

ctrl-w j Move buffer up one window.

ctrl-w k Move buffer down one window.

ctrl-w c Close window.

ctrl-w o Close all but current.

ctrl-w w Cycle focus.

ctrl-w p Focus previous window.


gg=G Indent entire file.

Vjj> Indent mutiple lines.

Line number

:set number Show line numbers.

:highlight LineNr ctermfg=grey Change line numbers color.

:set cursorline Show current line.


Typescript Syntax for Vim


    git clone https://github.com/leafgarland/typescript-vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/typescript-vim

Tsuquyomi: Make your Vim a TypeScript IDE.


    # Install and compile procvim.vim
    git clone https://github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim
    cd ~/.vim/bundle/vimproc.vim


    # Install tsuquyomi
    git clone https://github.com/Quramy/tsuquyomi.git ~/.vim/bundle/tsuquyomi

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