Web Apps Development and Training
I frequently see useState and useEffect being used together where only useMemo would be enough to handle the same task, and as a bonus it is…
Redux-saga + the Yield keyword are the most powerful tool I’ve ever seen in the JavaScript world to manage side-effects (API calls, DBs, log…
Tests, correct pronunciation, tips and more. Learn and contribute to this collection of free content to learn English. (New links weekly…
Do NOT lose your files anymore! Keep track of the history change, save to the cloud and be safe. Here you are going to learn simple tips to…
This error happens when your are watching to many files on linux. You can get an error message like this: error UNHANDLED EXCEPTION Error…
How to setup https / ssl for surge.sh and ssl.com, It was hard to grab all the pieces, So I hope I can help who is in trouble. You can…
Do you need Word and Excel on linux? Follow my steps to install LibreOffice an open source option for linux distros. Install LibreOffice…
Is your Android mobile FULL? Backup your data to your Arch Linux. It is easy following my steps (I hope hahaha). I had some trouble with…
Yaourt is the community packager manager for Arch Linux. When you are using pacman (official packager manager), you do need to use sudo…
If you want to learn Linux for real, Arch is my favorite distribution, be prepared for lots of commands and research, but keep calm, you are…
Vim is a old school text editor, It runs in the console, It is the faster of all. It’s the best option for accessing servers through line…
I love French Movies. They are so close to real life, real people. They talk about sex, drugs and other taboos openly. Jeune & jolie en…
If you want to learn this amazing language, here you can find my link collection of free content. Links Learn French with Vincent https…
Extract .rar Extract .zip Install unzip Extract file
Move your font files to /usr/share/fonts/
Install git Install Nodejs Install NPM Fix global permissions error https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/fixing-npm-permissions Make a…
Enable Auto Complete, Commit with title and description, create alias, navigate history, update fork and more! Enable Auto Complete while…
Install ZSH https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/wiki/Installing-ZSH Install oh-my-zsh Download Install Make it your default shell…
Parte 6 ‘App’ do do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server, EntityFramework, Migrations…
Parte 5 ‘Repositories’ do do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server, EntityFramework…
Parte 4 ‘Entity Framework e Migrations’ do do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server…
Dicas para cria um excelente código, que vai aumentar sua produtividade, evitar muitas dores de cabeça, e colaborar para um mundo melhor!
Parte 3 ‘TDD e Entities’ do do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server, EntityFramework…
A dica rápida de hoje é de como melhorar a performance do seu projeto MVC com uma alteração simples!
Parte 2 ‘TDD e Value Objects’ do do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server…
Parte 1 do curso de criação passo a passo de um projeto completo com CleanCode, C#, MVC, SQL Server, EntityFramework, Migrations, UnitTest…